Did you know that a LLC actually reports as a partnership for tax purposes? Did you know that if you do not have two or more members, you report as a Sole Proprietorship (schedule C)? Did you know to take the extra step of completing a Form 2553 so you report as an S Corporation, Form 1120S?
Limited liability can be reported for tax purposes by many methods. Each reporting method may directly impact your personal tax returns. Is your current reporting method making full benefit of reducing your personal tax bill? Our knowledgeable staff can guide you through all these questions and more.
Wilmington N.C., Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Fort Fisher, Porters Neck, Hampstead, Scotts Hill, Wrightsville Beach
Landfall N.C., New Hanover County, Pender County, Topsail Beach N.C., Surf City N.C., North Topsail N.C., Holly Ridge N.C.
Address: 6740 Rock Spring Road, Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28405
Business Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday Evening:
Until 8 p.m. (by appointment only)
QuickBooks Certified